Accomplished Life Abroad – DataVentureX



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What’s Inside

232 pages. 2 pages a day.  Closer to your goals and success in 16 weeks or 3 months!! 🙂

First Half
Big-Datamaverick’s Journey

Inspiring anecdotes, old friends catching up

Journey to Victory : Suman, Marathon Champion

Create your extraordinary stories

Struggles to success: Suman’s Journey

Anecdotes of loss, pain and stories of transformation

Vaman’s Maverick Journey

Stories of struggles, resilience and realizations

Second Half
Overcoming Lack of Experience Challenges

Overcoming inexperience with strategic partnerships

Balancing Relationships and BigDataMaverism

Focusing on people and entrepreneurship both

Overcoming Fear of Failure - Partnerships

Convincing family amidst ambitions

Fear of Judgment - Building Market Confidence

Building trust with your audience and grow


Shredding old and embracing the new you

Identifying areas of expertise and passion within Big-Data & AI

Beginning of methodology to implement your business and turning ideas to reality – a billionaire path

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Personal and Professional growth mindset and Career tip Videos to settle abroad

or start one’s own business using big – data and ai solutions

Books I’ve read to be rich

Being rich doesn’t mean to be true monetarily but in terms of mindset and in finding the truth of your life.
Happiness, health, wealth and Success will follow when you become the best version of yourself. My ambition is to make you into YOU the best you!